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5 life-changing Christmas gifts under $50

5 life-changing Christmas gifts under $50

  Are you on a budget this Christmas but still want to help people in need around the world? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Providing help and hope doesn’t have to break the bank. The World Help Christmas Giving catalog is filled with life-changing...
Which is cheaper — the chicken or the egg?

Which is cheaper — the chicken or the egg?

  It seems more people are raising chickens these days — even those who don’t live on a farm. Why? One reason is that over the past year, the average cost of a dozen eggs has doubled to nearly $3. Rising food prices are especially difficult for people living in...
Looking for a fun family activity this Thanksgiving? Try this!

Looking for a fun family activity this Thanksgiving? Try this!

  Thanksgiving is this week, so the next few days may be busier than usual as you finish your grocery shopping, test that new dessert recipe, and make sure the house is spotless before your dinner guests arrive. It’s a busy time of year, but it’s also one of the...
The 10 best gifts you can give people in need this Christmas

The 10 best gifts you can give people in need this Christmas

  As a kid, I remember getting toy catalogs in the mail at Christmastime. I’d quickly grab a marker and start flipping through the colorful pages, circling every toy I wanted Santa to bring me. Back then, I probably thought every boy and girl around the world did...
VIDEO: Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

VIDEO: Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Hopefully you’re spending this Christmas Day surrounded by loved ones. Maybe you’re even getting together to share a delicious meal. But did you know many families in Afghanistan and around the world are still struggling to find essentials like food and clean water?...
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