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Persecuted believers forced to watch their Bibles burn

Vernon Brewer
Sep 25, 2020

Imagine going to a church where there aren’t any Bibles. None on the pews. None in the Sunday School classrooms.

This was the case for one Chinese couple who recently visited an underground church. They were looking for answers, so they asked the pastor if they could have a Bible to read for themselves. But he had no Bibles to give them.

Local authorities had burned them all. That’s why many believers and seekers still don’t have Bibles of their own.

Today, you can put a Bible in the hands of one persecuted believer in China or another persecution zone around the globe for just $10. Your gift will send the Gospel to Christians who face imprisonment, abuse, and fear on a daily basis.

A dear friend and partner in China recently shared with me how persecution is on the rise. Churches are being raided. Authorities are confiscating Bibles. They’re burning them right in front of the people whose hands they just snatched them from!

Reports like this are becoming more and more common. But suffering believers aren’t asking for the persecution to stop. They’re desperately pleading for more Bibles … even though it means more risk.

Bibles are extremely scarce — or illegal — in places like China, North Korea, Iran, and Nigeria. If a Christian finds one, he clings to it and treasures it above every other possession.

Can you imagine, then, the heartbreak of watching your only Bible burn in front of you, knowing you might never get to hold another one?

Our persecuted brothers and sisters need God’s Word now more than ever. They’re facing persecution and a pandemic. Many of them have lost their jobs and are struggling to feed their families. They are desperate for comfort.

What they’re going through is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

Chinese Christians living in poverty were recently told they would lose any government assistance if they didn’t remove crosses from their homes. Believers in Nigeria are constantly on alert for sounds of Boko Haram soldiers who want all Christians dead.

North Koreans are facing life sentences in prison for simply following Jesus. And some of our brothers and sisters in South Asia have been beaten within an inch of their lives — sometimes by their own family members — because of their faith.

Now, on top of all that, they are facing a pandemic.

These people are desperate for Bibles. Will you please help answer their cries today? For $10, you will place a Bible in the hands of a persecuted believer and give him the eternal peace that comes from God’s Word.

The most incredible part is since each Bible is typically shared with trusted family members or friends, the Bibles you send will actually reach even more people! Just think of the impact you can make with one gift.

Your gift will provide incredible comfort, so please respond today and show a persecuted believer he’s not alone.

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