An unexpected winter storm hit northern Syria and much of the Middle East in late December, covering the decimated city of Aleppo in snow — a death sentence for thousands of homeless refugees. This weather event is devastating for displaced families throughout the...
Many of us will remember 2016 as a difficult year across the globe — but because you chose to do something in the midst of tragedy and oppression, 616,520 people facing unimaginable circumstances experienced a life-changing glimpse of God’s love. – You gave...
Brutally cold nights and long, hard days loom ahead for refugees fleeing Aleppo. “The situation was great before the war … [now], we left our house and are displaced,” Sameer said when describing her family’s life since the war first began. Countless men, women, and...
More than 4,500 people have fled the terror in war-torn Aleppo this week alone. Over the past few weeks, cease-fires have been declared and broken, buses out of the city have been set on fire, and families have endured the emotional rollercoaster of hope and despair....
A glimpse of hope for civilians trapped in eastern Aleppo lasted less than 24 hours before airstrikes continued today. And once again, the evacuation of tens of thousands has been indefinitely halted. Inside the bloody war zone, distraught civilians face more than...