In the face of opposition, some people run in the other direction — but not our Bibles for All Ambassadors. They’re committed to spreading the Gospel to the darkest places on earth. Just recently, they helped send copies of Scripture into Iran. According...
Are you familiar with our Bibles for All Ambassadors? They provide copies of God’s Word around the globe to people who can’t easily access the Bible — including countries like Iran. Open Doors ranks Iran as one of the most dangerous places in the world to...
“These people don’t know anything about Christianity.” When I first read those words from one of our South Asia partners, I was reminded of how important sending God’s Word around the world really is. Titus lives in a remote village where people had never heard...
You’ve most likely read one of my favorite books of all time: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Even if it wasn’t required reading when you were in school, many adults today have read it — or at least seen the movie. It’s a book I’ve reread multiple times...
We serve a powerful God, don’t we? Zara’s story is the perfect example of how our God transforms lives and makes them whole. But Zara wasn’t a Christ-follower when our partners first met her. It wasn’t until she received a Bible from Bibles for All Ambassadors that...