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You can be the answer to a mother’s desperate prayers

You can be the answer to a mother’s desperate prayers

Pedro cries day and night. While most kids his age spend their days learning to walk, Pedro lies on his back, staring at the laminated roof of his family’s little adobe home. His body is constantly in pain, and his skin is inflamed with sores. He is weak, and if...
Five things your letter says to your sponsored child

Five things your letter says to your sponsored child

It’s easy to remember to tell people you love them when you see them often. But since you don’t see your sponsored child face-to-face, it can be difficult to remember to write. And even when you do, you may struggle with knowing what to say because of cultural...
Two months with almost no food

Two months with almost no food

It’s not unusual for a baby to cry, but at two months old, little Mariela Lopez never stopped. She cried from the suffocating heat when the blazing Guatemalan sun beat down on the roof of her family’s mud house. She cried from exhaustion, unable to sleep through the...
Wish your sponsored child a Happy Valentine’s Day

Wish your sponsored child a Happy Valentine’s Day

When I was growing up, I always looked forward to Valentine’s Day. I didn’t have a boyfriend, and I wasn’t expecting anything romantic. I was anticipating a gift from my father. Valentine’s Day is often all about couples. But every year my father used it as an...
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