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Fighting ISIS with the most powerful gift

Fighting ISIS with the most powerful gift

They’ve escaped the battleground of Mosul, but their battle for survival has only just begun … I just returned from Iraq a few weeks ago. As the battle for Mosul began, our team was on the ground just 20 minutes away. Over the years, I’ve been to the Middle East...
From the field | Your prayers are making a difference in Iraq

From the field | Your prayers are making a difference in Iraq

As I’ve spent the past week with many of our brothers and sisters in Iraq, I’ve been constantly reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 8: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or...

Watch: Vernon Brewer addresses the refugee crisis

“Hope, by definition, is the very essence of the Gospel. Hope changes everything. As long as there is a God, there is hope.” These were President Vernon Brewer’s words to the students of Liberty University as he spoke during their Global Focus Week about the refugee...

Do You Know What Your Support Means to a Refugee?

You know that your prayer and financial support are providing hope to refugees in need . . . but you may not realize just how much that hope is impacting lives in the Middle East. That’s why we want to tell you Hani’s story. Even beyond the suffering of persecution,...

The World Goes Silent and Refugees Fight to Survive

Although the heartbreaking stories of Iraqi refugees are making fewer headlines around the world, reports of ISIS-led attacks on innocent men, women, and children are far from slowing down. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people continue to live a nightmare. Sadly,...
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