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Urgent Need in Aleppo: Will You Help?

Your help is needed today to make an emergency delivery of relief supplies to war-ravaged Aleppo in Syria. Airstrikes and mortars have pummeled relief camps throughout the Aleppo area in the last 72 hours, cutting off thousands from life-saving supplies. More than...

Are You Putting Your Love Into Action?

Today is World Humanitarian Day. It’s a time to honor the sacrifices, endurance, and sacrificial love of humanitarian aid workers around the globe. It’s also a time to remember the millions of people worldwide that are still in need of aid. As Christians, we are all...

Bibles for Refugees: Bringing Hope into the Chaos

Most days, I wake up at seven and check my phone immediately, swiping past the Bible verse that serves as my lock screen picture. I put my phone on the nightstand next to my Bible and wander to my kitchen where I have yet another Scripture on a plaque on the wall. And...

You Can Ship Emergency Food and Medical Supplies to Refugees

Every $1 you send provides $33 in food and medical supplies for a refugee in need! Right now we have emergency food and medical supplies packed and ready to ship to refugees in Iraq. We just need your help to ship them! I’ll share more about how you can help in a...
Have the Needs of the Refugees Changed?

Have the Needs of the Refugees Changed?

You’ve been there since the beginning . . . . . . when the heart-wrenching stories of thousands of displaced and traumatized Syrians began flooding in. You were there as the crisis continued to escalate in Iraq, and horrific reports of ISIS-led atrocities began to hit...
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