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World Refugee Day 2016: Reclaiming Stability

Today is World Refugee Day, an important time to remember the nearly 60 million individuals worldwide who have been displaced by conflict. This year, we especially honor the courage and perseverance of those in the Middle East who are experiencing the largest...

There’s Still Time to Honor Your Dad

Father’s Day is tomorrow . . . and if you’re still unsure what to get your dad, consider giving a gift that could have a life-saving impact. It’s not too late to provide aid for a refugee father in honor of your dad. Your gift will not only show him how much you...
Fleeing ISIS: A Father’s Greatest Fear

Fleeing ISIS: A Father’s Greatest Fear

Jameel stood before a crowd of restless faces and tried his best to appear calm. Chilling rumors were circulating throughout their Yazidi community that ISIS-led atrocities were being committed just across the border in Syria. . . and were drawing closer by the day....

Unlocking Hope for Iraq

The scorching heat of summer is hitting Iraq. This is yet another blow to refugees . . . adding to the painful, targeted persecution they experience from ISIS. Extreme discomfort and unbelievable suffering are everywhere. Your $35 gift will provide $189 worth of...

Refugee Crisis | Sustaining Heroes of Hope in the Middle East

Dreams of a better future have all but dissolved for millions of displaced families throughout the Middle East. Relief organizations are vanishing from the scene while this unending crisis continues to drain millions of men, women, and children of vital resources and...
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