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In North Korea, one Bible helped plant 12 churches

In North Korea, one Bible helped plant 12 churches

“Did you bring it?” A group of North Korean women bunched around Naomi to get a peek at the first Bible they had ever seen … a Bible that would go on to help plant 12 underground churches in North Korea. But Naomi’s story didn’t start there. It wasn’t long ago that...
Bibles for All Ambassadors get Bibles into Iran

Bibles for All Ambassadors get Bibles into Iran

Hamid grew up like most good Iranians do — as a member of a strong Muslim family. For him, it was just as much a culture as it was a religion, and Christianity wasn’t on his radar. But then, Hamid ran into an old friend.We’ve changed Hamid’s name to protect his safety...
A bedtime story that could cost her life

A bedtime story that could cost her life

As a little girl, I spent many nights reading with a flashlight under the covers. Immersed in the worlds I discovered within those pages, I never wanted to put the books down. As I flipped through the pages, I desperately hoped I wouldn’t get caught by my parents and...
Persecution: The cost of following Jesus

Persecution: The cost of following Jesus

Editor’s Note: Ripken was a personal witness to much of the content below. For the events and words where the author was not present, great care has been taken to recapture and relay the words and events as exactly as possible. Everything expressed here was reproduced...
Is peace possible in North Korea?

Is peace possible in North Korea?

Tomorrow morning, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will meet in Vietnam for their second official sit-down. Both parties hope to continue the negotiations they began last year in Singapore. The goal? The denuclearization of the Korean...
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