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Don’t forget to pray for persecuted Christians today

Don’t forget to pray for persecuted Christians today

Today is an important date on the church calendar — the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. People all over the world are taking time to remember and pray for oppressed Christians around the world. It’s important to remember persecuted Christians...
As tensions rise with North Korea, who suffers most?

As tensions rise with North Korea, who suffers most?

“Fire and fury.” Threats to nuke Guam. Talk of intercontinental ballistic missiles and even war. Many voices are competing to be heard amid tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. But there is one group of people whose voices you won’t hear — the voices of the...
You won’t read this story in the news

You won’t read this story in the news

You’ve probably been hearing about North Korea in the news recently — stories about test-firing ballistic missiles and even the possibility of war becoming a concern. But I want to tell you a different story. This is the story you’re not seeing in the news: Right now,...
Bibles: The answer for rural Chinese villages

Bibles: The answer for rural Chinese villages

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 (NIV)   Our partner in China desperately needs your help. His supply of Bibles is running low, and he just can’t keep up with...
URGENT: Persecuted North Korean Christians desperate for Bibles

URGENT: Persecuted North Korean Christians desperate for Bibles

I’m writing to you with a heavy heart. I just heard Mee-Yon’s* testimony and had to share it with you. Our sister in Christ has been sentenced to work in a labor camp in North Korea — simply for owning a Bible. But despite this harsh punishment, Mee-Yon and believers...
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