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The clock is ticking … how will you respond?

The clock is ticking … how will you respond?

Time is running out to have your gift DOUBLED in 2016. I have spent much of 2016 traveling to areas torn apart by global conflict, natural disasters, and Christian persecution. I’ve seen the impact of your gifts, and I’ve seen how many more people still need help...
The best gift you’ll give this Christmas

The best gift you’ll give this Christmas

Did you know that the average American household will spend more than $900 on Christmas gifts this year?  But you can give someone the greatest gift of all for just $5! Thousands of Christ-followers around the world are waiting and wishing for their very own Bible....
Making the most of International Day of Prayer

Making the most of International Day of Prayer

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We want to encourage you to take a moment today to pray for Christians suffering for their faith. Here are some urgent prayer requests to get you started: IRAQ & SYRIA Pray for Iraqis and Syrians...
Making the most of International Day of Prayer

How prayer brought about a miracle

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” — Isaiah 41:18 The day Raj’s* life changed forever began just like any other day. He started his morning...
A persecuted Christian’s one wish

A persecuted Christian’s one wish

I am writing to you with painful news … but it is news you can do something about. Christians in North Korea are pleading for copies of God’s Word. They’re facing mounting persecution every day and long for Bibles so they can grow and remain strong in their...
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