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You can be a superhero in 2020

Kelsey Campbell
Jan 14, 2020

Everybody loves a hero.

It’s why we go see the latest comic book movie. It’s why we read books, dream about having super-human strength or the ability to fly, and why boys and girls tie pretend capes around their necks. Everyone loves a hero because, deep down, we all want to be one.

My favorite superhero is Captain America. He’s moral, humble, and he loves to help others. But my personal hero is my father.

When I was a little girl, he rescued me from danger, hoisted me up on his shoulders so I could see what he saw, and provided for my entire family. But, most importantly, he taught me about Jesus Christ.

We all have a hero we love and admire, but the best ones are the real heroes wrapped in flesh and blood. And this year, in 2020, you can become a superhero, as well. You can help save lives when you give to people going through times of devastation and desperation.

And when you resolve to become a monthly donor, you’ll make that incredible difference all year long.

Every $8 you give is enough to provide one person with the physical help or spiritual resources he needs. So, if you commit to just $24 a month, you’ll help rescue 36 people this year!

Your monthly gift will help meet people’s most urgent needs such as:

Providing emergency food

When a refugee in Uganda runs out of his monthly rations of food, your gift can be there to help. He and his wife and children won’t have to starve until they receive their next tiny allotment of oil, cornmeal, and beans. You will be a hero for his children who would otherwise grow weaker, sicker, and unable to attend school.

Giving access to medical care

You could also be a lifeline for a mother in the mountains of Guatemala who can’t bear to listen to the cries of her malnourished baby and watch as each day his ribs become more prominent through his thin skin. Too poor to take her son to the doctor, she is counting on the generosity of people like you to help make sure her baby survives. Your gift each month will help rush emergency aid in cases just like this one that are a matter of life and death.

Sending relief after a natural disaster

When Hurricane Dorian victims were reeling from the mass destruction in the Bahamas, it was gifts from faithful donors who gave to help where needed most that allowed aid to be sent in a matter of days. Those left homeless received lifesaving food, water, clothing, and supplies to help rebuild. By giving monthly, you ensure your gift will be among the first to arrive after a natural disaster so people on the ground can receive the dire help they need as soon as possible.

Secretly distributing Bibles to persecuted Christians

The greatest gift you can give someone is hope. And no one needs this gift more than people facing persecution for their faith. As we receive desperate pleas for more Bibles from secret Christians in places like Iran or North Korea, your gifts can help meet those needs … because, right now, there are people who have never been able to read the Gospel of Jesus Christ for themselves but desperately want to.


Just like my father is one of my greatest heroes because he met my needs both physically and spiritually, you can also be a hero in the eyes of the people you help each and every month in 2020.

You’ll love giving monthly because it’s easy to sign up, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to send your gift, and you’ll receive regular updates about how your support is making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Become a hero to someone in need by becoming a monthly donor and start saving lives today (no cape required).


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