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An idyllic life lost for the sake of Christ

An idyllic life lost for the sake of Christ

Ammar had the perfect life. He had a beautiful wife, two loving children, a successful career as a teacher, and he lived in a prominent city in Iraq. We’ve changed Ammar’s name for his protection because he eventually lost everything in order to follow Christ. One...
Sick, then stripped of their Scriptures

Sick, then stripped of their Scriptures

Bursting into the hospital room, the Hindu radicals demanded to see the patients’ Bibles. With quivering hands, the weak men and women handed over the Christian literature they had requested from the hospital staff. The Hindu militants accused the hospital staff...
How to talk to your kids about persecution: Nigeria

How to talk to your kids about persecution: Nigeria

Girls and boys around the world are making a difference in their communities by standing up for their faith — even in the midst of persecution. And it’s never too early to teach your children or grandchildren to take a stand for what they believe in, too. One of the...
A legacy of persecution still reigns in North Korea

A legacy of persecution still reigns in North Korea

Deep in a secluded area, the men dug several shallow graves before ordering the family to get in. With each shovel of fresh dirt, the father and his six children’s screams grew softer until the forest was silent. Jun grew up hearing the story of how his...
Scarred like her Savior

Scarred like her Savior

Karima watched from the window as the mob approached her house, carrying scythes and rods. We’ve changed Karima’s name since she lives in a country where Christians are persecuted. Karima’s family sat in silence and held their breath, steeling themselves for the...
Forced to choose: Renounce God or thirst

Forced to choose: Renounce God or thirst

Even though he lived in a world of complete darkness, Neil found the light of the Gospel. Neil became blind at age 8, isolating him from the bright and colorful world around him. But, despite his disability, he found joy in music. He became a talented musician and...
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