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Your sponsored child wants to hear your story!

Your sponsored child wants to hear your story!

Have you ever met someone and thought you had nothing in common with him or her? Maybe you were different ages, had different interests, or were from different places. Have you ever chatted with someone like this, only to discover you have more in common than you...
Child sponsorship is a family affair

Child sponsorship is a family affair

Sports activities. Theater rehearsals. Cheerleading practice. Piano lessons. Families with kids know that life can get busy fast. Between doctor’s appointments, school programs, shopping for clothes, and more, daily schedules are packed with a flurry of events that...
Hope in the rubble: a sponsorship story

Hope in the rubble: a sponsorship story

Lakpi was 15 when an earthquake destroyed her Nepali village in 2015. For most people, a massive earthquake hitting their home qualifies as the biggest moment in their lives. But Lakpi had already experienced her “biggest moment” several years earlier. Lakpi was born...
What will I get when I sponsor a child?

What will I get when I sponsor a child?

Child sponsorship is so much more than just providing a child with essentials such as education, clean water, and healthy food. It’s about forming a relationship with one special child in a small corner of our world — and changing his life. And when you make the...
Meet Fabricio: A sponsor’s story

Meet Fabricio: A sponsor’s story

When Karen looked out into the crowd of sponsored children on a recent trip to Guatemala, she immediately recognized Fabricio by his big, bright smile. “He was so kind and friendly,” she said. “He just seemed so willing to give and receive love.” Karen and her husband...
I’ve always wanted to sponsor a child, but…

I’ve always wanted to sponsor a child, but…

Maybe you’ve always been intrigued by the idea of child sponsorship, but something’s been holding you back. A feeling of doubt … uncertainty … unanswered questions. Maybe you have friends who love being child sponsors, and they’ve encouraged you to give it...
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