At the beginning of 2020, I had made plans to make this the best year yet. I’m sure you felt the same. But after a while, it didn’t feel like this was my year anymore … it was the year of the coronavirus. A year turned completely upside-down.
But now I’m determined to take back this year from fear and disaster — and I hope you’ll join me! This can still be your year: a year of rescuing people in need and doing good in a world that desperately needs it. You already began when you decided to give and help save lives.
So, today, on World Humanitarian Day, we’re celebrating YOU and everything you’ve done to make an impact for people struggling from poverty and the pandemic. Watch the video below to see the incredible difference you’ve made so far this year.
You and other generous world changers have provided Bibles to people who had never held a copy in their hands. You provided hygiene items to hospital workers and diapers for mothers who couldn’t afford to take care of their babies. You gave food to people left jobless because of the pandemic.
In so many ways, you have been a humanitarian. Or to put it another way, you are a RESCUER! I can’t thank you enough for standing beside families around the globe during their greatest moments of need.
Will you join me in commemorating this special day — World Humanitarian Day — by helping rescue six more people?
World Help Board members have pledged to match your gift up to $300,000. So every $12 you give will DOUBLE to help two people. That means a gift of just $36 now has the power to impact six people by helping provide emergency aid like food, clean water, hygiene kits, medical care, and more.
Not only will your $36 help meet six people’s physical needs, but it will also show them the love of Christ and help erase a projected shortfall caused by canceled events due to the coronavirus.
Continue the work you’ve already begun this World Humanitarian Day.
Take back 2020 and make it better by helping rescue people living in desperate poverty.
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