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Nicaraguans are running out of time

Nicaraguans are running out of time

Nicaragua has been in a state of turmoil for months now. Protestors and looters fill the streets. The economy is in collapse. And people are starving. The UN Security Council met last week to discuss the situation. But while they work to determine what steps to take...
The people of Nicaragua need your help now!

The people of Nicaragua need your help now!

Nicaragua is in crisis. Over the past three months, political protests have escalated and become violent. The situation has received little media attention until now … despite the fact that nearly 450 people have died and countless others are suffering without...

Don’t forget about Cuba and Haiti

Their lives will never be the same. Death tolls are high, and families are left to pick up the pieces and dig through the rubble Hurricane Matthew left in its wake. Although the storm is over, aid is still desperately needed. “The reports are not good. Over 900 people...

Your help needed: Hurricane relief in Cuba and Haiti

“There is still no electricity … it is a rural, mountainous area. The homes are made of wood and the roofs are thatch. The winds were very strong and the city was destroyed,” our team member in Cuba said. Reports continue to come in of the devastation Hurricane...

CRITICAL NEED: Hurricane Matthew cripples Haiti and Cuba

The news outlets are full of stories about the crippling effects of Hurricane Matthew in impoverished Haiti and Cuba. Winds are exceeding 124 mph, and the storm continues to surge through these nations. Classified as a category-4 hurricane, damaging winds are raging...
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