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BREAKING: ISIS Uses Refugees as Human Shields

A storm is gathering in Northern Iraq. Fallujah has fallen, and U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have set their sights on Mosul, the last ISIS-held stronghold in Iraq. But thousands of refugees are trapped in the geographical crossfire, and ISIS is using them to form a human...

You Can Save One Life . . . Will You?

As the battle for ISIS-controlled Fallujah rages on, more than 90,000 civilians are trapped in the crossfire. As we coordinate with government authorities to provide “safe lanes” for escaping residents, you can help by providing food and water to a refugee for only...
Fleeing ISIS: A Father’s Greatest Fear

Fleeing ISIS: A Father’s Greatest Fear

Jameel stood before a crowd of restless faces and tried his best to appear calm. Chilling rumors were circulating throughout their Yazidi community that ISIS-led atrocities were being committed just across the border in Syria. . . and were drawing closer by the day....
You Can be a Lifeline for the People of Fallujah

You Can be a Lifeline for the People of Fallujah

You’ve likely heard about the battle for Fallujah—50,000 individuals trapped as a result of the terror of ISIS. Entire families—men, women, and even children—are in desperate need after being trapped for several months now. Five hundred families escaped Fallujah so...

Humanitarian Crisis in War-Ravaged Fallujah

You may have seen in the news: US-backed Iraqi forces are battling for Fallujah, the ISIS-captured stronghold city in central Iraq. What you may not know is the disastrous humanitarian fallout: All supply lines into the city have been cut off. Their stockpiles of food...
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