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Two months with almost no food

Two months with almost no food

It’s not unusual for a baby to cry, but at two months old, little Mariela Lopez never stopped. She cried from the suffocating heat when the blazing Guatemalan sun beat down on the roof of her family’s mud house. She cried from exhaustion, unable to sleep through the...
A love that doesn’t make sense

A love that doesn’t make sense

“Some of you are going to go into the village, and you’re going to lock eyes with a kid who is going to change you.” Troy Mizell distinctly remembers these words, spoken by his associate pastor on their first night in Guatemala. When Troy signed up for this missions...
Your gift toward Volcancito Arriba will DOUBLE today!

Your gift toward Volcancito Arriba will DOUBLE today!

“’Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed,...
Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Mayda Tress touches the lives of hurting people every day through her work as a registered nurse. But on a trip to Guatemala, God moved her heart to help hurting people in a new way — a way that would change her life forever: I believe in a practical Gospel. I believe...
Giving dignity through pillows and blankets

Giving dignity through pillows and blankets

Miceaela lay on a grimy mat on the dirt floor of her home in Guatemala. Her roof was leaking, but she was unable to get up to fix it — she could only wait for the rain to stop as her floor turned to mud. Miceaela hadn’t always been trapped on this mat. But...
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