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Don’t forget about Cuba and Haiti

Their lives will never be the same. Death tolls are high, and families are left to pick up the pieces and dig through the rubble Hurricane Matthew left in its wake. Although the storm is over, aid is still desperately needed. “The reports are not good. Over 900 people...

Your help needed: Hurricane relief in Cuba and Haiti

“There is still no electricity … it is a rural, mountainous area. The homes are made of wood and the roofs are thatch. The winds were very strong and the city was destroyed,” our team member in Cuba said. Reports continue to come in of the devastation Hurricane...

CRITICAL NEED: Hurricane Matthew cripples Haiti and Cuba

The news outlets are full of stories about the crippling effects of Hurricane Matthew in impoverished Haiti and Cuba. Winds are exceeding 124 mph, and the storm continues to surge through these nations. Classified as a category-4 hurricane, damaging winds are raging...

URGENT NEED: Hurricane Matthew batters Cuba & Haiti

As you read this, Hurricane Matthew is battering the countries of Cuba and Haiti with relentless and devastating force. The fallout is projected to be crippling. Our partners tell us that many Cubans are riding out the storm in caves because their homes are not strong...
From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

No matter where in the world I travel, I am constantly reminded that people who live in countries we call “the third world” are no different than us. Parents share the same hopes, dreams, and desires for their children as I have for my own children and grandchildren....
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