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Quiz: How much do you know about the hunger crisis?

Quiz: How much do you know about the hunger crisis?

What do you plan to eat for dinner tonight? Do you feel like tacos or maybe pizza? Take-out or a homecooked meal? Will you have dessert? For most of us, these are the types of questions we ask ourselves when thinking about food. You’ve probably never had to ask...
Pascal’s mission: Putting love in action

Pascal’s mission: Putting love in action

Christ came to earth not just to tell us how much He loves us … but also to show us how much He cares through His selfless, radical action on the cross. This Valentine’s Day, one Ugandan man is on a mission to show that same love in a tangible way to people who need...
The famine you’ve never heard of

The famine you’ve never heard of

I recently received an update from our partners in North Korea, and I was shocked at what they wrote. But not only are our Christian brothers and sisters suffering because of persecution and the ongoing pandemic … they’re also starving. A historic food shortage is...
When you ship, you help save lives

When you ship, you help save lives

Hector was dying. But it wasn’t just the leukemia that was killing this little boy. It was hunger. Hector lives in Venezuela, a volatile country that was struggling to cope long before the coronavirus arrived. With civil unrest, a collapsing economy, and starving...
Felix’s fight against poverty, paralysis, and a pandemic

Felix’s fight against poverty, paralysis, and a pandemic

After a spinal injury left him paralyzed from the waist down, Felix felt powerless to provide for his family — and that was before the pandemic struck.  Felix used to work as a bricklayer, making only a small income but enough to take care of his wife and...
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