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From the field | Mosul’s children are suffering

From the field | Mosul’s children are suffering

“No one should have to live under these conditions … especially children,” I thought to myself as I looked around the Debaga refugee camp, just 20 minutes from the front lines of the battle for Mosul. As the World Help team and I assessed needs, we realized the living...

World Food Day: Hungry for hope

This story begins with an ending — the end of life as Monthir’s family knew it. On Aug. 6, 2014, Monthir and his family fled the Christian village of Qaraqoush under cover of nightfall. His heart breaking, Monthir knew that from this day forward, his family’s past...

Nigerian Christian stands strong despite persecution

 “Blow up every church” and “kill every Christian” in Nigeria. That was the directive of Abu Musab al-Barnawi to his fellow Islamic militants when he became the new leader of Boko Haram earlier this year. Since 2000, the terrorist group has killed more than 11,500...

Chinese believer: Persecution is refining our faith

Solomon* had just begun to settle in for the evening when his phone broke the silence. “Police raid at 10 p.m.,” a friend warned him. Solomon looked at the clock and felt a rush of adrenaline course through his body — he had only minutes to hide everything. “We had...

How Cosmetology Changed Jennifer’s Life

Jennifer Aromo was a happy, normal girl living in Uganda. She went to school each day like other children, worked hard in all of her classes, and dreamed of a world of possibilities after graduation. In the evenings, she came home to help with chores and finished her...
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