Manisha was only a few years old when her low-caste, impoverished community dissolved into mayhem. Her rural village of Nath Maholla was overlooked for centuries. Desperation skyrocketed when government regulations banned one of the community’s main sources of income:...
Tejie knew about pain. She was familiar with all its forms — physical agony, emotional sorrow, spiritual anguish, and social torment. Her suffering centered on an injury she sustained during childbirth — an obstetric fistula — that would brand her as an outcast to her...
I’m a reader. I’ve always loved reading books, and my home is filled with bookshelves that are literally bursting at the seams. While I’m thankful to have a home filled with stories, if I didn’t have a copy of God’s Word — the ultimate story — my bookshelves would be...
Miceaela lay on a grimy mat on the dirt floor of her home in Guatemala. Her roof was leaking, but she was unable to get up to fix it — she could only wait for the rain to stop as her floor turned to mud. Miceaela hadn’t always been trapped on this mat. But...
In the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, do you remember how George Bailey almost took his own life … only to realize the world wouldn’t be better off without him? Today, I’d like to tell you another story — a true story — about a man who nearly made the same mistake …...