Welcome to the family: Samuel’s sponsorship story
As the oldest of seven children, Samuel has taken on a lot of responsibility — especially in such a large household. And living in a poor community in Uganda only makes his obligations more challenging. Still, even at the tender age of 16, Samuel has stepped up to...
From the field | Child sponsorship gives kids a second chance
Yesterday, I shared the desperate needs of refugee children in northern Uganda with you and received an incredible response. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the generosity that was shown. But, in addition to immediate help, these boys and girls need long-term...
EXCLUSIVE: From the field inside a refugee camp
This past week, I had the privilege to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus to thousands of South Sudanese refugees in a camp in northern Uganda. I knew going in that this trip would be different from my previous trips to refugee camps around the world. The South...