An unexpected winter storm hit northern Syria and much of the Middle East in late December, covering the decimated city of Aleppo in snow — a death sentence for thousands of homeless refugees. This weather event is devastating for displaced families throughout the...
Brutally cold nights and long, hard days loom ahead for refugees fleeing Aleppo. “The situation was great before the war … [now], we left our house and are displaced,” Sameer said when describing her family’s life since the war first began. Countless men, women, and...
“The refugee humanitarian emergency is a global crisis of unprecedented size—impacting nearly 60 million people. In the history of the world, never have so many people been recorded as being displaced or on the move. In Syria alone, over 13 million children and...
The humanitarian situation here in Iraq is incomprehensible. I recently returned from a week-long trip to Iraq where I saw the physical and emotional carnage of ISIS for myself. Children wander aimlessly in the refugee camps, having no access to schooling. Families...
The World Help team began our day delivering life-saving aid in the Baharka camp, home to 5,000 displaced Iraqis. Most of these families are from Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, which fell to ISIS last year. I couldn’t help but marvel that just months earlier,...