Hundreds of people want a Bible — and that’s just in Titus’s village
“These people don’t know anything about Christianity.” When I first read those words from one of our South Asia partners, I was reminded of how important sending God’s Word around the world really is. Titus lives in a remote village where people had never heard...
VIDEO: 15-year-old John gave his life for the Gospel — here’s his story
The story of 15-year-old John is a powerful reminder of just how desperate North Korean believers are for the Gospel, and we don’t want you to miss it. Crossing the North Korean border was extremely dangerous, but John had no other choice. His family was...
Banned Books Week: The one book people are willing to die for
Most booklovers are probably familiar with the significance of this week. Sept. 26 – Oct. 2 is Banned Books Week. Launched in 1982, this annual event started as a result of schools, libraries, and bookstores challenging the “appropriateness” of certain books. However,...
4 ways to pray for people living in Bible deserts
Imagine encountering someone who’s just stumbled out of the desert after being lost for days. They’re weak from dehydration. They’re disoriented and confused. Someone who has had to go without the Living Water for most of their lives is in a similar situation. They...